How Braces Correct Bite Issues

How Braces Correct Bite Issues May 6

How Braces Correct Bite Issues

How Braces Correct Bite Issues and Improve Oral Health

A proper bite is not just about a beautiful smile; it’s fundamental to overall oral health. At NorCal Orthodontics, led by the esteemed Dr. Ryan Plewe, recognized as the best orthodontist in Citrus Heights, we’re passionate about educating our patients on the transformative effects of braces in correcting bite issues and promoting optimal oral health.

Understanding Bite Issues

A healthy bite, also known as occlusion, occurs when the upper and lower teeth align correctly, allowing for efficient chewing and proper jaw function. However, various factors, including genetics, jaw development, and dental habits, can lead to bite irregularities. Common bite issues include:

  1. Overbite: When the upper front teeth overlap significantly over the lower front teeth.
  2. Underbite: When the lower front teeth protrude past the upper front teeth.
  3. Crossbite: When some of the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth instead of outside.
  4. Open Bite: When the upper and lower teeth do not make contact when biting down.

The Role of Braces in Correcting Bite Issues

Braces are a time-tested orthodontic treatment modality designed to gradually move the teeth into proper alignment, thereby correcting bite issues and improving oral health. Here’s how braces address common bite irregularities:

  1. Alignment: Braces exert gentle pressure on the teeth, guiding them into their optimal positions. By aligning the teeth properly, braces help ensure that the upper and lower jaws fit together harmoniously, correcting overbites, underbites, and crossbites.

  2. Jaw Positioning: In addition to aligning the teeth, braces can also influence the position of the jaw. By guiding the growth of the jaw bones, braces help achieve a balanced bite and facial symmetry, particularly in cases of severe bite discrepancies.

  3. Spacing: Braces can also close gaps between teeth, eliminating spaces where food particles can become trapped and bacteria can thrive. This reduces the risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health issues associated with misaligned or crowded teeth.

Improving Oral Health Through Bite Correction

Beyond aesthetics, correcting bite issues with braces offers numerous benefits for oral health:

  1. Preventing Tooth Wear: Misaligned teeth can exert uneven forces on the teeth, leading to excessive wear and tear. By correcting the bite, braces help distribute forces evenly, reducing the risk of premature tooth wear and damage.

  2. Reducing Risk of TMJ Disorders: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can result from bite misalignment and jaw dysfunction. By aligning the teeth and improving jaw position, braces can alleviate strain on the TMJ and reduce the risk of associated discomfort and dysfunction.

  3. Enhancing Chewing Function: A proper bite facilitates efficient chewing and digestion. By correcting bite issues, braces improve chewing function, allowing for better nutrient absorption and overall digestive health.

  4. Promoting Periodontal Health: Misaligned teeth are more difficult to clean effectively, increasing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. By aligning the teeth and closing gaps, braces make oral hygiene maintenance easier, promoting healthier gums and teeth.

The NorCal Orthodontics Difference

At NorCal Orthodontics in Citrus Heights, we’re committed to providing exceptional orthodontic care tailored to the unique needs and goals of each patient. Dr. Ryan Plewe and our experienced team utilize state-of-the-art technology and personalized treatment plans to achieve optimal results and transform smiles.

Whether you’re seeking treatment for bite issues, crowded teeth, or spacing concerns, our comprehensive approach to orthodontic care ensures that you receive the highest quality treatment in a comfortable and supportive environment.

Contact Us

Bite issues can have far-reaching implications for oral health and overall well-being. With braces, patients can correct bite irregularities, improve chewing function, and enhance oral health, leading to a lifetime of smiles and confidence.

At NorCal Orthodontics, we’re dedicated to helping our patients achieve their best smiles through personalized orthodontic treatment. If you’re ready to address bite issues and transform your oral health, schedule a consultation with us today. Together, we can embark on a journey to a healthier, more radiant smile. With NorCal Orthodontics, your journey to optimal oral health begins here.

Common Myths About Orthodontic Treatment

Common Myths About Orthodontic Treatment April 29

Common Myths About Orthodontic Treatment

Debunking Common Myths About Orthodontic Treatment With Dr. Ryan Plewe

Embarking on the journey to a straighter, healthier smile is an exciting endeavor, but it’s not uncommon for misconceptions to cloud one’s perception of orthodontic treatment. As we strive to provide clarity and reassurance to our patients at NorCal Orthodontics, helmed by the esteemed Dr. Ryan Plewe, recognized as the best orthodontist in Citrus Heights, we aim to debunk some of the most prevalent myths surrounding orthodontic care.

Myth #1: Orthodontic Treatment is Only for Aesthetics

While achieving a beautiful smile is undoubtedly one of the primary motivations for seeking orthodontic treatment, its benefits extend far beyond aesthetics. Orthodontic care can address various dental issues, including misalignment, overcrowding, bite irregularities, and jaw misalignment. By correcting these issues, orthodontic treatment not only enhances the appearance of your smile but also improves oral health, function, and overall well-being.

Myth #2: Orthodontic Treatment is Painful

Contrary to popular belief, orthodontic treatment is not inherently painful. While patients may experience some discomfort or soreness, particularly after adjustments, it is typically mild and temporary. Advances in orthodontic technology, such as low-friction braces and gentle aligner materials, have significantly reduced discomfort during treatment. Additionally, our team at NorCal Orthodontics in Citrus Heights prioritizes patient comfort and provides comprehensive support to alleviate any concerns throughout the treatment process.

Myth #3: Orthodontic Treatment is Only for Children and Teens

Orthodontic treatment is not limited to children and teenagers; it is suitable for individuals of all ages. While it’s true that many people undergo orthodontic treatment during adolescence, adults can also benefit from straightening their teeth and improving their bite. With options such as clear aligners, which offer discreet and convenient treatment, adults can achieve their desired smile without sacrificing their professional or personal image.

Myth #4: Orthodontic Treatment Takes Years to Complete

While the duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the complexity of the case and the chosen treatment modality, it is often shorter than perceived. With advancements in orthodontic technology and techniques, treatment times have become more efficient, allowing patients to achieve desired results in a relatively shorter timeframe. Additionally, our team at NorCal Orthodontics utilizes innovative treatment planning and monitoring tools to optimize treatment efficiency and minimize unnecessary delays.

Myth #5: Orthodontic Treatment is Expensive

While orthodontic treatment may represent a financial investment, it is essential to consider the long-term benefits and value it provides. At NorCal Orthodontics in Citrus Heights, we offer flexible payment options and financing plans to make orthodontic care accessible and affordable for our patients. Furthermore, the benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile extend beyond aesthetics, contributing to improved oral health, self-confidence, and quality of life.

Myth #6: Orthodontic Treatment is Only About Braces

While traditional braces are a well-established orthodontic treatment option, they are not the only choice available. Clear aligners, lingual braces, and other innovative appliances offer discreet and convenient alternatives for patients seeking orthodontic care. At NorCal Orthodontics, we offer a comprehensive range of orthodontic solutions tailored to the unique needs and preferences of our patients in Citrus Heights.

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As the best orthodontist in Citrus Heights, Dr. Ryan Plewe and the team at NorCal Orthodontics are committed to dispelling myths and providing accurate information about orthodontic treatment. We believe that informed patients make confident decisions about their oral health and treatment options. If you have any questions or concerns about orthodontic care, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. Together, we can embark on a journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile.

At NorCal Orthodontics, we are dedicated to transforming smiles and changing lives—one myth at a time.

Orthodontic Options: Braces vs. Clear Aligners

Orthodontic Options: Braces vs. Clear Aligners April 22

Orthodontic Options: Braces vs. Clear Aligners

Understanding Orthodontic Options: Braces vs. Clear Aligners

In the pursuit of a radiant smile, one is often faced with the pivotal decision between traditional braces and modern clear aligners. At NorCal Orthodontics, recognized as the best orthodontist in Citrus Heights, we understand the significance of this choice and aim to shed light on the intricacies of both orthodontic options.

The Legacy of Braces

For decades, traditional braces have been the cornerstone of orthodontic treatment. Comprised of metal brackets and wires, braces exert gentle pressure on the teeth, gradually shifting them into alignment. While braces have evolved over the years with advancements in technology, their fundamental mechanism remains unchanged.

Braces offer several advantages, including:

  1. Versatility: Braces are highly effective in correcting a wide range of dental issues, including overcrowding, misalignment, and bite irregularities.
  2. Predictability: With braces, the treatment plan is meticulously crafted by our experienced orthodontists in Citrus Heights. Patients can expect precise and predictable results.
  3. Durability: Once bonded to the teeth, braces remain in place throughout the treatment duration, ensuring continuous tooth movement.

However, traditional braces also present some drawbacks, such as:

  1. Visibility: The most apparent drawback of braces is their conspicuous appearance. Metal brackets and wires are easily noticeable when smiling or speaking, which may impact self-confidence, particularly for adults.
  2. Maintenance: Braces require regular adjustments and meticulous oral hygiene routines to prevent issues such as plaque buildup and gum inflammation.
  3. Dietary Restrictions: Certain foods, such as sticky candies and hard nuts, must be avoided to prevent damage to the braces.

The Rise of Clear Aligners

In recent years, clear aligner technology has revolutionized orthodontic treatment, offering a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces. Clear aligners, such as those offered at NorCal Orthodontics in Citrus Heights, are custom-made, transparent trays that gradually move the teeth into alignment.

Clear aligners boast several benefits, including:

  1. Invisibility: Clear aligners are virtually invisible when worn, making them an ideal choice for individuals who wish to undergo orthodontic treatment discreetly.
  2. Removability: Unlike braces, which are fixed onto the teeth, clear aligners can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and special occasions. This flexibility enhances comfort and simplifies oral hygiene.
  3. Comfort: Made from smooth, BPA-free plastic, clear aligners minimize irritation to the gums and cheeks commonly associated with traditional braces.

Despite their many advantages, clear aligners may not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as the complexity of the case and patient compliance play a crucial role in determining the suitability of clear aligner treatment.

Choosing the Right Option

When considering orthodontic treatment, it’s essential to consult with an experienced orthodontist who can assess your unique needs and recommend the most suitable option. At NorCal Orthodontics, our team of skilled professionals in Citrus Heights is dedicated to providing personalized care and guiding patients through their orthodontic journey.

During the initial consultation, we conduct a comprehensive examination, including digital scans and X-rays, to evaluate the condition of your teeth and jaws. Based on this assessment, we discuss the available treatment options and tailor a plan that aligns with your goals, lifestyle, and budget.

Whether you opt for traditional braces or clear aligners, rest assured that you’re in capable hands at NorCal Orthodontics. Our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction drives us to deliver exceptional results and smiles that truly shine.

Contact Us

Choosing between braces and clear aligners is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. While both options offer unique advantages, ultimately, the right choice depends on individual preferences, treatment goals, and clinical considerations.

At NorCal Orthodontics, we empower our patients in Citrus Heights to make informed decisions about their orthodontic care. Whether you prefer the time-tested reliability of braces or the discreet convenience of clear aligners, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Schedule a consultation with NorCal Orthodontics today and embark on your journey to a confident and beautiful smile.

The Benefits of Clear Aligners

The Benefits of Clear Aligners April 15

The Benefits of Clear Aligners

Exploring the Benefits of Clear Aligners in Citrus Heights

In Citrus Heights, a radiant smile symbolizes confidence, health, and self-assurance. Choosing between traditional braces and clear aligners is the first step toward a perfect smile journey. At NorCal Orthodontics, renowned as the best orthodontist in Citrus Heights, we understand the significance of this choice and the transformative power of clear aligners in Citrus Heights.

Gone are the days when metal braces were the only option for achieving a straighter smile. Clear aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatment, offering a discreet, comfortable, and convenient alternative. 


One of the primary concerns for many individuals considering orthodontic treatment is the visibility of braces. Clear aligners, made from transparent plastic, are virtually invisible when worn, allowing patients to straighten their teeth discreetly. Clear aligners provide the confidence to smile at any event in Citrus Heights.


Clear aligners fit snugly without discomfort like traditional braces. Smooth, BPA-free clear aligners shift teeth gently without irritation. With no metal wires to adjust or tighten, patients can enjoy a comfortable orthodontic experience throughout their treatment journey.


One of the standout advantages of clear aligners is their removability. Unlike braces, which are fixed onto the teeth, clear aligners can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. This means no dietary restrictions, no cumbersome cleaning routines, and no obstacles to maintaining optimal oral hygiene. Whether indulging in Citrus Heights’ culinary delights or adhering to a rigorous oral care regimen, clear aligners offer unparalleled convenience.

Predictable Results

Clear aligner treatment starts with a detailed digital scan for precision planning. Advanced computer algorithms simulate the gradual movement of the teeth, providing patients with a clear visualization of their expected results. Patients track their smile journey with regular checks at our Citrus Heights clinic.

Shorter Treatment Time

In many cases, clear aligners offer a shorter treatment duration compared to traditional braces. Clear aligners can deliver results in 6 to 18 months, depending on complexity. Patients enjoy streamlined treatment with fewer visits and less time in our Citrus Heights office.

Enhanced Confidence

A straighter smile isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about confidence and self-esteem. Clear aligners empower individuals in Citrus Heights to embrace their smile transformation journey without compromising their appearance or lifestyle. Aligned teeth boost confidence in all aspects of life.

Contact Us

NorCal Orthodontics provides tailored orthodontic care in Citrus Heights. We provide top-notch clear aligners in Citrus Heights for shining smiles.

Clear aligners in Citrus Heights offer a convenient solution for your dream smile. Say goodbye to self-consciousness and hello to a future filled with confidence and joy. Schedule a consultation with NorCal Orthodontics today and take the first step towards unlocking your brightest smile yet.

Are Clear Braces Right for You?

Are Clear Braces Right for You? April 6

Are Clear Braces Right for You?

Are Clear Braces Right for You? Pros and Cons From Nor Cal Ortho

Are you considering orthodontic treatment to achieve a straighter smile but hesitant about traditional metal braces? Clear braces may be the solution you’ve been searching for. At NorCal Orthodontics in Citrus Heights, CA, we understand the importance of finding the right orthodontic treatment for you.

What Are Clear Braces?

Clear braces, also called ceramic braces, work like traditional metal braces but with clear or tooth-colored brackets. This allows them to blend in with your natural tooth color, making them less noticeable compared to their metal counterparts.

Pros of Clear Braces

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: One of the most significant advantages of clear braces is their discreet appearance. The ceramic brackets are designed to be less noticeable, allowing you to undergo orthodontic treatment with confidence.

  2. Effective: Clear braces are just as effective as traditional metal braces in straightening teeth and correcting bite issues. They use the same principles of orthodontic treatment but with a more subtle appearance.

  3. Comfort: Clear braces are typically more comfortable than metal braces. The ceramic material is smooth and gentle on the lips and gums, reducing the likelihood of irritation and discomfort.

  4. Stain Resistant: Ceramic braces resist staining and stay clear if you maintain good oral hygiene.

  5. Customizable: Clear braces can be customized to match the shade of your teeth, further enhancing their discreet appearance.

Cons of Clear Braces

  1. Cost: Clear braces tend to be slightly more expensive than traditional metal braces due to the higher cost of materials. However, many patients find the aesthetic benefits worth the investment.

  2. Durability: While ceramic braces are durable, they may be slightly more prone to chipping or cracking compared to metal braces. However, with proper care and maintenance, this risk can be minimized.

  3. Maintenance: Clear braces require diligent maintenance to keep them looking their best. Patients should avoid staining foods and drinks and maintain strict oral hygiene.

  4. Treatment Time: In some cases, treatment with clear braces may take slightly longer compared to metal braces. However, the difference in treatment time is usually minimal and varies depending on the individual case.

Are Clear Braces Right for You?

Choosing the right orthodontic treatment is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with your orthodontist. At NorCal Orthodontics, we provide personalized care and tailored treatment plans for each patient.

If you value aesthetics and want a discreet orthodontic option, consider clear braces. Our experienced team of orthodontic professionals can assess your individual case and determine if clear braces are the right fit for your orthodontic needs and lifestyle.

Contact Us

Clear braces offer a discreet and effective solution for achieving a straighter smile without the visibility of traditional metal braces. Despite their pros and cons, many patients find clear braces’ aesthetic benefits worth it.

At NorCal Orthodontics in Citrus Heights, CA, we’re dedicated to giving you the smile you’ve always wanted through personalized orthodontic care. Whether you opt for clear braces, traditional metal braces, or another orthodontic treatment option, you can trust that you’re in capable hands with our experienced team.

Schedule a consultation with the best orthodontist in Citrus Heights, CA, today to discover if clear braces are right for you!

Orthodontic Technology Matters

Orthodontic Technology Matters

Orthodontic Technology Matters

Orthodontic Technology Spotlight: Cutting-Edge Solutions at Nor Cal Orthodontics

In the ever-evolving field of orthodontics, technological advancements have revolutionized the way smiles are crafted and perfected. As the pursuit of a perfect smile continues, Nor Cal Orthodontics stands at the forefront, offering state-of-the-art orthodontic technology in Citrus Heights. 

Digital Impressions and 3D Imaging

Gone are the days of uncomfortable, gooey molds for dental impressions. Nor Cal Orthodontics embraces digital impressions, utilizing advanced 3D imaging technology. This not only enhances the precision of diagnostics but also provides patients with a more comfortable experience. Digital impressions allow for a detailed and accurate assessment of the teeth and jaw, forming the basis for a customized treatment plan.

Innovative Treatment Planning

The journey to a straighter smile begins with meticulous treatment planning. Nor Cal Orthodontics employs cutting-edge software that enables orthodontists to simulate and visualize the outcome of the proposed treatment. This empowers patients to understand the process and anticipated results, fostering a sense of confidence and collaboration in their orthodontic journey.

Customized Appliances with 3D Printing

Orthodontic appliances have seen a remarkable transformation with the advent of 3D printing. Nor Cal Orthodontics leverages this technology to create highly customized and precise appliances tailored to the unique anatomy of each patient. From braces to aligners, 3D printing ensures a perfect fit, optimizing comfort and treatment efficiency.

Accelerated Orthodontics with Propel

For those seeking expedited results, Nor Cal Orthodontics introduces Propel, an innovative technology designed for accelerated orthodontics. This system stimulates bone remodeling, facilitating quicker tooth movement and reducing the overall treatment duration. Propel aligns perfectly with the fast-paced lifestyles of many patients, providing a swifter path to a beautifully aligned smile.

Virtual Monitoring for Remote Care

In today’s digital age, convenience is key. Nor Cal Orthodontics embraces virtual monitoring, allowing patients to receive remote care and guidance. Using a combination of smartphone apps and digital imaging, orthodontists can track the progress of treatment and address any concerns without the need for frequent in-person visits. This not only saves time for busy individuals but also ensures continuous communication between patients and their orthodontic team.

Lingual Braces

For those seeking a discreet orthodontic solution, Nor Cal Orthodontics offers lingual braces. Placed on the inner surface of the teeth, these braces are virtually invisible, providing a cosmetic alternative to traditional braces. This option allows individuals to undergo orthodontic treatment with confidence, knowing that their smile is transforming without the visibility of conventional braces.

Contact Us Today!

Nor Cal Orthodontics is not just a provider of orthodontic services; it is a beacon of innovation in the field. By incorporating cutting-edge orthodontic technology in Citrus Heights, Nor Cal Orthodontics sets a standard for excellence and patient-centric care. From digital impressions to 3D printing and accelerated orthodontics, these advancements not only enhance the efficiency of treatment but also redefine the orthodontic experience for patients.

Choosing the best orthodontist in Citrus Heights involves considering not only the practitioner’s expertise but also the technology they employ. Nor Cal Orthodontics seamlessly blends the art and science of orthodontics, ensuring that each patient receives the most advanced and personalized care available. As technology continues to shape the future of orthodontics, Nor Cal Orthodontics remains committed to delivering smiles that reflect both precision and innovation.